Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Para Pecinta Setia

Kisah berikut akan khusus untuk setiap anda yang ingin mengetahui arti sebenarnya dari cinta .Hmm , ada pernah tinggal seorang kepala putri yang memiliki banyak pengagum . Semua pemuda di desa ingin memiliki dia untuk istri dan semua bersemangat untuk mengisi ember kulitnya ketika ia pergi ke sungai untuk air .Ada seorang pemuda di desa. Dia adalah seorang pemburu yang baik tetapi ia miskin dan memiliki keluarga berarti . Dia mencintai gadis dan berharap dia bisa menikahinya . Jadi , suatu hari ketika dia pergi untuk air , ia melemparkan jubahnya di atas kepalanya sementara ia berbisik di telinganya : " Maukah kau menikah denganku ? "Untuk waktu yang lama gadis bertindak seolah-olah dia tidak mendengar apa-apa , tapi satu hari ia berbisik mengatakan bahwa dia akan bersedia menikah dengannya jika dia mengambil kulit kepala .Jadi ia membuat pesta perang tujuh , dirinya dan enam laki-laki muda lainnya .
Sebelum mereka mulai , mereka duduk untuk merokok dan beristirahat di samping sebuah danau yang indah di kaki bukit hijau yang naik dari pantai tersebut . Bukit itu convered dengan rumput hijau dan entah bagaimana ketika mereka melihat hal itu mereka memiliki perasaan bahwa ada sesuatu tentang hal yang misterius dan luar biasa .Salah satu teman sang pencinta begitu penasaran tentang hal itu bahwa ia berkelana ke bukit. Empat laki-laki muda diikuti . Setelah sampai ke puncak bukit kecil , semua lima mulai melompat dan cap sekitar dalam olahraga .Tapi , tiba-tiba mereka berhenti . Bukit sudah mulai bergerak menuju air . Itu adalah kura-kura raksasa ! Kelima orang berteriak panik dan mencoba lari, tapi sudah terlambat ! Mereka menangis , tapi yang lain bisa melakukan apa-apa . Hanya dalam beberapa saat , gelombang telah ditutup atas mereka .Dua lainnya laki-laki : kekasih dan temannya , pergi , tapi dengan berat hati . Setelah beberapa hari , mereka datang ke sungai . Sangat lelah , kekasih melemparkan dirinya ke bank. Untungnya , teman kekasih datang untuk membantu dia .Hari berikutnya , temannya bercerita bahwa ia menemukan seekor ikan yang telah dibersihkan dan memintanya untuk makan ikan bersama.
Kekasih mengatakan bahwa jika ia makan ikan , temannya harus berjanji untuk menjemputnya semua air yang dia bisa minum . Ketika mereka makan , ketel dibilas keluar dan teman kekasih membawanya kembali dengan penuh air . Pencinta minum air di draft . Sekali lagi temannya mengisi ketel di sungai dan lagi kekasih minum kering tapi masih aksed untuk lebih banyak air . Teman kekasih kemudian membawa sang kekasih ke sungai . Ketika sang kekasih melihat sungai , ia berjalan ke sungai , melompat masuk, dan berbaring di air dengan kepala ke arah tanah, minum rakus .Kemudian , dia memanggil temannya . Teman datang dan kagum melihat bahwa kekasihnya itu sekarang ikan dari kakinya ke tengah nya . Sakit di hati ia berlari agak jauh dan melemparkan dirinya di tanah dalam kesedihan . Setelah beberapa saat, ia kembali untuk menemukan bahwa kekasihnya itu sekarang ikan sampai ke lehernya .
Teman pulang ke rumah dan menceritakan kisahnya . Ada besar berkabung atas kematian kelima orang muda dan untuk kekasih yang hilang . Di sungai , sang kekasih telah menjadi ikan besar dan sirip yang hanya di atas permukaan . Kano harus portaged pada tenaga kerja besar di sekitar obstruksi .Sementara itu, putri kepala suku meratapi kekasihnya sebagai seorang suami dan tidak ada yang bisa menghiburnya . Hari demi hari , dia duduk di dalam tepee ibunya dengan kepala ditutupi dengan jubah , diam , bekerja , dan bekerja . Setiap kali ibunya bertanya , si gadis tidak menjawab .Mereka hari lengthended ke bulan sampai satu tahun berlalu . Dan kemudian gadis itu muncul . Dia meninggalkan tepee ibunya dengan memegang banyak hal di tangannya . Yang tiga pasang sepatu sandal , tiga pasang legging , tiga sabuk , tiga kemeja , tiga gaun kepala dengan bulu yang indah dan manis berbau tembakau .Suatu hari ia punya perahu baru dibuat. Kemudian, keesokan harinya ia melangkah ke dalam sampan dan melayang perlahan menyusuri sungai menuju ikan besar . Kano nya datang dan berhenti untuk tempat sirip besar muncul . Satu per satu ia meletakkan hadiah nya pada ikan punggung , hamburan bulu dan tembakau lebih dari tulang yang lebar .
" Oh , ikan , " serunya , " oh , ikan Anda yang kekasih saya, saya tidak akan melupakan Anda . Karena kau hilang karena cinta padaku , aku akan neer menikah . Sepanjang hidupku aku akan tetap menjanda . Ambil hadir tersebut . Dan sekarang meninggalkan sungai , dan membiarkan air berlari bebas , sehingga orang-orang saya mungkin sekali lagi turun di Kano mereka. " Perlahan ikan besar tenggelam , sirip yang lebar menghilang dan air di St Croix ( Stillwater ) bebas .

The Goose with the Golden Eggs

               Well, here is the story. One day country man was going to the nest of his goose and found there was an egg yellow and glittering. When he took it up, it was as heavy as lead and he was going to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home on a secoun thought, and soon foun to his delight that it was an egg. Every morning the occurred and he soon became rich by selling its eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy and thought to get at once son the goose could give. He killed the goose and opened it: only to find nothing.

The Faithful Lovers

The following story will be special for each of you who want to know the real meaning of love.Hmm, there once lived a chief’s daughter who had many admirers. All the young men in the village wanted to have her for a wife and were all eager to fill her skin bucket when she went to the brook for water.There was a young man in the village. He was a good hunter but he was poor and had a mean family. He loved the maiden and wished he could marry her. So, one day when she went for water, he threw his robe over her head while he whispered in her ear: “Will you marry me?”For a long time the maiden acted as if she hadn’t heard anything, but one day she whispered back telling that she would be willing to marry him if he took a scalp.So he made a  war party of seven, himself and six other young men. Before they started, they sat down to smoke and rest beside a beautiful lake at the foot of a green knoll that rose from its shore. The knoll was convered with green grass and somehow as they looked at it they had a feeling that there was something about it that was mysterious and uncanny.One of the lover’s friends was so curious about it that he ventured into the knoll. Four of the young men followed. Having reached to the top of the knoll, all five began to jump and stamp about in sport.But, suddenly they stopped.
The knoll had begun to move toward the water. It was a gigantic turtle! The five men cried out in alarm and tried to run, but it was too late! They cried; but the others could do nothing. In just a few moments, the waves had closed over them.The other two men: the lover and his friend, went on, but with heavy hearts. After some days, they came to a river. Worn out with fatigue, the lover threw himself down on the bank. Fortunately, the lover’s friend came to help him.The following day, his friend told him that he found a fish which he had cleaned and asked him to eat the fish together. The lover said that if he ate the fish, his friend had to promise to fetch him all the water that he could drink. When they had eaten, the kettle was rinsed out and the lover’s friend brought it back with full of water. The lover drank the water at a draught. Again his friend filled the kettle at the river and again the lover drank it dry but still aksed for more water. The lover’s friend then took the lover to the river. When the lover saw the river, he walked to the river, sprang in, and lying down in the water with his head toward land, drank greedily.
Then, he called out his friend. The  friend came and was amazed to see that the lover was now a fish from his feet to his middle. Sick at heart he ran off a little away and threw himself upon the ground in grief. After awhile, he returned to find that the lover was now a fish up to his neck.The friend went home and told his story. There was great mourning over the death of the five young men and for the lost lover. In the river, the lover had become a great fish and its fin was just above the surface. Canoes had to be portaged at great labor around the obstruction.Meanwhile, the chief’s daughter mourned for her lover as for a husband and nobody could comfort her. Day by day, she sat inside her mother’s tepee with her head covered with her robe, silent, working, and working. Whenever her mother asked, the maiden did not reply.They days lengthended into moons until a year had passed. And then the maiden arose. She left her mother’s tepee with holding lots of things in her hands. The were three pairs of moccasins, three pairs of leggings, three belts, three shirts, three head dresses with beautiful feathers and sweet smelling tobacco.One day she had a new canoe made. Then, the next morning she stepped into the canoe and floated slowly down the river toward the great fish. Her canoe came and stopped to the place where the great fin arose. One by one she laid her presents on the fish’s back, scattering the feathers and tobacco over his broad spine.“oh, fish,” she cried, “oh, fish you who were my lover, I shall not forget you. Because you were lost for love of me, I shall neer marry. All my life I shall remain a widow. Take these present. And now leave the river, and let the waters run free, so my people may once more descend in their canoes. “Slowly the great fish sank, his broad fin disappeared and the waters on the St. Croix (Stillwater) were free.

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